U.S. support for Ukraine strengthens alliances with European partners and enhances NATO cohesion along with collective defense capabilities.
Upholding Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity reinforces international norms against aggression by force. We maintain our credibility of standing by our allies and thus enhance our collective deterrence of aggression against us and our allies.
By supporting Ukraine, the U.S. stabilizes Eastern Europe and reduces the potential for conflict and instability in neighboring countries and in Europe as a whole. Maintenance of a rules-based international order serves U.S. interests globally.
Supporting Ukraine helps to contain Russian influence and prevents further Russian expansionism in Europe, thereby avoiding possible military entanglements with NATO and the U.S military.
Supporting Ukraine upholds U.S. commitment to democratic values and sovereignty of nations. It sends a clear message to countries that seek to follow democratic principles.
U.S. assistance to Ukraine works to alleviate suffering caused by unprovoked conflict, destruction and displacement. This aligns with U.S. humanitarian principles and demonstrates commitment to global stability and welfare.
Military aid to Ukraine enhances U.S. defense readiness by bolstering U.S. defense contractors and by keeping vital defense production lines open. As a result, we can more easily develop new technologies and replenish our stocks of weapons with the latest technology.
Financial assistance to Ukraine creates economic ties and expands trade in equipment and technology that supports our industrial base. The majority of money spent on military aid to Ukraine remains in this country, employing Americans.